Friday, February 27, 2009

Feeling the Burn Out

Well I haven`t posted in a while and I will admit it is because I am getting lazy.

Since Budapest we spent 4 nigths in Vienna and it was great. We got a great deal on a 4 star hotel for only $60 a night with a fab breakfast so it set the tone for a great time. I got to reconnect with an old friend from Highschool, actually an exchange student of a friend from highschool, Veronika, and she was so helpful and nice enough to take time off and show us around! Vienna was a beautiful city with lovely architecture, amazing baroque coffee houses with delicious pastries and tons of museums that we didn`t have time to see all of them and honestly we didn`t mind. There is only so many you can see in a day and we have spent a lot of time walking, most days from 10am till about 4pm on average. So now I am burnt out, we are in Prague now for 3 nights and had planned to travel slowly towards Paris for our return on March 18th but have decided to head to Paris and hang out for 3 or 4 nights and catch a flight out earlier.
I have come to the realization that I have a 2 month travel limit before I get antsy and lazy, it isn`t that I haven`t taken time to rest but that I am wanting to take lots of time to be lazy and I don`t really care about seeing the cities. So instead of bide our time expensively in Euro-land we have decided to save the dough and get back home to start our next adventure of checking out the East Coast and landing jobs.


Katy and Ken said...

Hi guys - There is a great little ice cream place immedialtly after you cross the charles bridge on the West side. We really liked the concerts in the old churches too-great accustics. I loved Prague - it must be nice in the winters with less tourists, as it was packed in the summer. If you are in Paris for a couple of days there is a cooking shop -Dehilleron's, you should see. It is the oldest cooks supply store in Paris. You might just happen to see a copper fish steamer with my name on it (not to big)- It is over in the Marias, behind Les Halle and St. Eustuse Church. enough detailed side trips...we will see your soon...xoxoxomom

Anonymous said...

hi ya'll. so nyou're feeling the burn? I totally understand. It's inevitable when you're covering so much ground this quickly. So did you like Prague? Mom and I adored it. and how is Paris going? Nat have you been there before? Paris is ffuuunnn. Well i can't wait to see both of you and swap tails, so happy trails until then! xo zoe

Katy and Ken said...

Hi- I don't know if you are still in Paris but if you have not gone walking - the address of E. Dehillerin is 18 Et 20, rue Coquilliere. Just in case you get to it.. and actually it is mre behind the Louve, I must have taken the long walk through the neighborhoods. Hope you are veging and having funnnn. XOXO