Friday, January 30, 2009


Funny you should say history Dad, I started reading a book about the history of the Ottoman Empire this afternoon on the Ferry, so far the Terkmans have made it down from the steppe.

We spent our morning taking refuge under an awning of large green and white colonial, slash Moorish building next to the port as there was a fierce down pour for about an hour this morning. The gauntlet of touts at the ferry building in Dar wasn't to fearsome. After a month of the constant pestering our silky sweet demeanor's have morphed into bleak stone facades. The threat of pack animals will not be missed.

Got to run Internet time is up.

1 comment:

don said...

cannot imagine anyone traveling and not having the history-bug bite them in the ass; the trick is in finding time to feed the creature. you will like turkey. not quite first world, but not quite third. one of the few places i would like to go.